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How do you punish a child rapist? Send him back to school.

The Wholly Rotten Criminal Church - 06

Warning: this article does not use euphemisms. It calls a child rapist a child rapist and cites from equally unembellished sources. Proceed at your own discretion.

If you think our title is a sick joke, then you’re already half right. It is sick but sadly no joke for it is how the Catholic Church literally deals with its child raping clergy. Oftentimes it’s worse.

Monica Barrett was 8 years old when she lost her virginity. The “Reverend” “Father” William Effinger, thought Jesus’ great commission included child abuse and dutifully raped her in 1968. She was 33 years old when she finally got the courage to come forward and file a lawsuit against the rapist. Because of the statute of limitations, her case was dismissed and that could have been the end of it. But not for the Catholic Church, who decided to sue her for the legal expenses.

One of these proud 1958 graduates would make a great career within the Catholic Church as well as a great career of sexual abuse.

December 17, 2019: Pope Francis rewrites canon law and lifts the pontifical secrecy on sexual abuse. Cardinals, bishops and the like are now free to report child rape without being excommunicated. That doesn’t mean however that all the clergy members who have been raping children and are covering up those crimes will now step forward. After all, many of the church officials in charge of investigating accusations of child abuse by clergy are themselves rapists (*see chapter 3).

Sponsor a rapist

Are you a Catholic? Do you obey the law and give a tenth of your gross income to the needy and destitute HRCC. Ever wondered what the Catholic Church does with your donations? Help the poor? Well….yeah… to some extent.

There are far more important projects your beloved leeches spend money on. One of the favorite pastimes of many Catholic priests is raping kids. A subsequent and increasing expenditure of the Catholic Church is the hush money it pays to its thousands of victims.

In 2004, the diocese of Newark paid 1.07 million USD to ten rape victims. In 2013, it paid another 0.65 million to five other victims. In 2019, they struck out with a 0.40 million USD payment to yet five more victims. Altogether, the dioceses of New Jersey making up the archdiocese of Newark paid out 50 million USD in the 21st century in compensation or hush money. Priests just kept on raping so many kids that in 2019 the bishops of New Jersey set up the Independent Victim Compensation Program. We're unaware of the legal status of this fund. Maybe they can register it as a charitable organization at some point? Applicants for its compensations have to agree to never sue the dioceses for being raped. The Catholic Church already has a lot of slush funds, but hush funds seem to be the newest rage. The fund is still reviewing hundreds of cases, has already authorized to pay out another 11 million dollars to 69 more victims, and as of 31 January 2020, no longer accepted any new registrations. The diocese of Camden was the first to pull out of the program in August 2020. It paid out 8 million dollars to victims and filed for protection against bankruptcy. Bloody rape victims: not only won’t they shut up and take their rape like men, they’re actually causing dioceses to go bankrupt! Since December 2019, more than 820 lawsuits have been filed against the New Jersey dioceses, with 229 priests being accused. Out of those, 188 have already been confirmed to be guilty by the Catholic Church itself. That leaves out all the clergy working in New Jersey who do not fall under the direct authority of the bishops. Adding the numbers of accused deliberately omitted by bishop Sullivan brings the total of clergy and lay employees of the New Jersey to 311 accused. They include nuns and Boy Scout leaders. According to the Archdiocese of Newark there were 1,653 Catholic clergy members in New Jersey, of whom 16 were abroad, 193 retired, sick or “absent” (whatever the latter is supposed to mean). With 188 of them already found guilty, Pope Francis is rapidly running out of positions to promote that many criminals into. If you send your kid to a Catholic Church bingo event in New Jersey, it has more chance getting raped than winning a prize at the bingo tables. But woe to us for not polishing our language or using the proper political correctness when expressing our indignation with these disgusting child molesters!

If you knew that Osama Bin Laden was funding and organizing a terrorist attack on your municipal school, would you still send him money? I guess the majority’s answer would be no. But when 12 % of the New Jersey Catholic clergy have been raping thousands of children, devout Catholics keep funding those rapists and help the poor bastards to plant their seed. Even if you are a Catholic, do you really want to keep funding an organization that continues to shield rapists from legal, social and moral justice?

Company policy: fraud, forgery, obstruction of justice

A lot of Catholics come to the defense of this rapist church. They point out that child rape is not a crime exclusively committed by Catholic clergy. I guess that makes it okay then. Of course, the main difference with lay sex offenders is that most of those lay rapists don’t have a trillionaire organization backing them up and covering up their crimes. The Catholic Church only pretends to be sorry for the victims. What it really cares about is the bad press it is getting them and the money it is costing.

The first thing you do as a member or defender of the clergy and Christianity in general, is to blame the victim for being raped. If that doesn’t fly, you call them liars. When accusations in Chile arose against Bishop Juan Barros for covering up sex crimes against minors, Pope Francis came to Barros’ defense by calling his accusers liars. A year after his 2018 visit to Chile, during which he insisted to celebrate Catholic mass rapes alongside Barros, Francis had to retract his statements and fired 7 bishops, including Barros. At the same occasion, King Francis of Vatican Hill admitted that the Catholic Church’s reaction to accusations of child abuse included witness intimidation, destruction of evidence and the reassigning of child rapists to other parishes and schools.

The diocese of Camden, New Jersey is but one disgusting example of the Church’s practice of adding insult to injury. As the Camden diocese was facing many more restitution or compensation pay-outs to victims, it filed for bankruptcy protection (“chapter 11”) in October 2020. The diocese wasn’t really in danger of going bankrupt; it just wanted to protect itself from further compensation claims. Thus, in preparation of its filing, it started shuffling around property and funds, forged documents and finally proposed a financial restructuring plan that put a 26 million dollar cap on possible pay-outs.

In our previous posts we already pointed at this attitude of the finely frocked teachers of morality. The diocese of Camden is not an isolated example of the primary concern of the Catholic clergy, and neither is our observation.

In 2009 the government of Ireland already concluded officially that:

  • the Dublin Archdiocese's pre-occupations in dealing with cases of child sexual abuse, at least until the mid-1990’s, were the maintenance of secrecy, the avoidance of scandal, the protection of the reputation of the Church, and the preservation of its assets. All other considerations, including the welfare of children and justice for victims, were subordinated to these priorities. The Archdiocese did not implement its own canon law rules and did its best to avoid any application of the law of the State.

Some ten years later the same conclusion was drawn in the US:

  • Several dioceses adopted the practice of first transferring the majority of their assets to their parishes and foundations before declaring bankruptcy, in the hope of decreasing considerably the amount to be awarded to victims. In some cases, the Vatican had to approve the transfer of large amounts to foundations in order to shield them from seizure; in other cases it guided and supervised such transactions.”

After more than two years of investigation, the Independent Commission on Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church (CIASE) reached the very same conclusion once more, when it released its report on sexual abuse by the clergy in France on October 5, 2021:

  • “Faced with this scourge, for a very long time the Catholic Church’s immediate reaction was to protect itself as an institution and it has shown complete, even cruel, indifference to those having suffered abuse.

We’ve said it again and again: the Catholic Church generally cares about people, but not as much as about itself. It wants people to be happy and healthy, so they can work, earn money and donate their income to the Church. When it comes to the most vulnerable however, it preys on them just as much as it prays for them. To put it bluntly: The Catholic Church doesn’t give a fuck about children. It just fucks them.

“Champion of the poor” is given an entirely new meaning by the Catholic Church. This statue honoring a child rapist was removed in April 2019 and the park bearing his name in which it stood was renamed.

The Jesuit priest Renato Poblete Barth started raping women and girls when he was 22 years old and continued to do so until he was 84. His youngest victim was the three year old daughter of a woman he was raping. Another of his victims got pregnant three times by his Holy Seed; each time Poblete forced her to have an abortion.

The Jesuit priest Juan Cristobal Beytia, head of the Chilean non-profit ‘Techo’ was furious when the truth came out and called it “unacceptable” that the Jesuits’ report on sex crimes was made public. He demanded guarantees from the Chilean government that priests’ right should be protected and child rape by priests kept secret. He accused the prosecution office of having leaked the Jesuit’s report on Poblete, as “it sure wasn’t us Jesuits”.

The Grim Rapists: more than a few bad apples

A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.” – Matthew 7: 18-19.

In 2004, the Archdiocese of Boston confirmed that 219 priests had abused 965 minors between 1950 and 2003. It also disclosed that by December 2003 it had already paid out 120.60 million USD to settle cases of child rape, but would still be paying for years for a variety of abuse related costs.

In July 2007, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles paid out 660 million USD to settle 508 cases. To no one's surprise, obstruction of justice was standard practice of the Catholic Church during the entire process. More cases are still pending.

By 2012, the US Conference of Catholic Bishops admitted that they dealt with 6,905 priests being accused of child abuse and 16,463 identified victims. That doesn’t mean that the abuse and crimes to cover up the abuse stopped then and there. In fact, the bishops tried to shield hundreds of rapist clergy members becoming known as sex offenders, in itself yet another cover up. On December 31, 2020, a federal lawsuit was filed against the dioceses of Tucson and Los Angeles for racketeering; 3 months later a lawsuit for blackmail was added in an amended complaint.

In August 2015, the Archdiocese of Milwaukee settled with 330 victims for 32 million USD. Before the settlement, Archbishop Timothy Dolan of Milwaukee rewarded rapist priests with a cash bonus of 20,000 USD to leave the clergy and continue their practices as lay citizens. The reporter who uncovered the sexual abuse in Milwaukee was fired after the diocese put pressure on the newspaper’s editors. The Archdiocese forced the victims into settlement by threatening to sabotage, stall and stretch out the legal proceedings until there was no money left to settle for. Prior to the settlement, Dolan also started funneling archdiocese’s money to separate entities, shielding diocesan assets from legal claims and liability. He called those who found out about it liars, but was exposed when his letters to the pope requesting the authorization of the transfers to the pope were published (along with the Vatican’s approval).

Our list continues with the 2018 pay-out by the Archdiocese of Saint-Paul and Minneapolis: 210 million to 450 victims. Meanwhile in Pennsylvania, the Office of the Attorney General released its report I of the 40th Statewide Investigating Grand Jury, detailing its findings on the child rape committed in 6 out of the 8 dioceses in the state (Philadelphia and Altoona-Johnstown were not included) and the Society of St. John. Citing from this report:

Over one thousand child victims were identifiable, from the church’s own records. We believe that the real number – of children whose records were lost, or who were afraid ever to come forward – is in the thousands. Most of the victims were boys; but there were girls too. Some were teens; many were prepubescent. Some were manipulated with alcohol or pornography. Some were made to masturbate their assailants, or were groped by them. Some were raped orally, some vaginally, some anally. But all of them were brushed aside, in every part of the state, by church leaders who preferred to protect the abusers and their institution above all.

The dioceses of Philadelphia and Altoona-Johnstown add another 100 clergy members to the 301 credibly accused from the grand jury report. This raises the percentage of child rapist Catholic clergy in Pennsylvania to 8%. However, including the accomplices in the crimes, the priests and bishops covering them up, the percentage of Catholic clergy sex offenders is more than 12%. The total number of victims is not yet known, as all 8 dioceses in Pennsylvania received a total of 150 new lawsuits in 2020. While the current amount of identified victims already stands at 1,615, this number is sure to rise in the coming years, especially since the Covid-19 pandemic delayed every process involved in the investigation and litigation of the large scale child rape.

One would hope that the worst would have come to light, but in 2019 the number of victims and lawsuits just kept growing. In that year, the Conference of Bishops reviewed a new number of 4,434 allegations (4 times the average of the five previous years), while it deemed 2,237 of them credible. More than 80 of the new cases involved abuses since the year 2000. You should know better by now than believe that the HRCC is giving complete information here. By 16 February 2020, 27 dioceses in the US had not come forward with any data whatsoever, while some religious orders seemed to renew their vows of silence as well.

Given that the majority of the numbers are based on the admissions of the rapists themselves, the dimensions of the systemic child abuse by the Catholic Church are without a doubt much larger. And as we have so far only given a few examples of abuse by the Catholic clergy in the USA, it is a fact that they are.

Across the Atlantic, a series of reports brought the glorious benevolence of the Catholic Church towards children in Ireland to light. The so-called Ferns, Murphy and Ryan reports in combination with the nascent investigations into the Magdalene Laundries, revealed that more than 15,000 children were raped between 1970 and 1990 by Catholic clergy. The religious order of the Christian Fuckers, pardon, Brothers, obtained legal protection of anonymity for the child rapists so they could reassign them to new hunting grounds in the Philippines, Latin-America and Africa. Remember Timothy Dolan? He was one of the church officials appointed by the Vatican "to investigate" the child abuse. The real reason why his expertise was called on was probably that he is quite apt at obstructing justice and protecting the Church's finances. In spite of being exposed years later, he still enjoys his promotion to Cardinal. He certainly earned it.

  • In France, the earlier quoted CIASE found that 216,000 boys and girls were directly abused by Catholic clergy between 1950 and 2020, another 114,000 by laymen working for or in a Catholic institution or organization. As everywhere, the numbers are understatements of the real number of victims.

  • The same report also refers to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse in Australia (Analysis of Child Sexual Abuse Made With Respect to Catholic Church Institutions in Australia, 2017), where 4,444 complainants filed claims between 1985 and 2015 against 1,165 clergy members.

  • In the Netherlands, the Parliamentary committee conducting two major studies in 2010-2011 and 2013, known as the “Deetman-committee” found that of the population born before 1970, more than 17,000 had been sexually abused by Catholic clergy members, with 800 perpetrators identified. In most European countries however, the Catholic Church refuses to condemn child rape as a crime and continues to shield its perpetrators from investigation. In spite of a few reports in Germany, most of the dioceses there have refused cooperation with investigative committees. It is impossible to give a numerical overview of the abuse cases, as the numbers would have to be compiled on a case to case basis. Yet even without the remorse and reconciliation efforts of the Holy Roman Catholic Church, the number of victims has already surpassed 5,210 raped children between 1945 and 1997, with at least 2,479 child molesters. When it comes to sympathy for the victims, remorse, regret or even acknowledgment, the Catholic dioceses of Italy, including the diocese of Rome (yep, the one run by the pope, aka. The Vatican), victims of child rape are fucked over again by the deadly silence enforced by the clergy and by the accusations of Catholic supporters shaming and attacking victim's parents and families. From 1945 to 1992, at least 547 boys were abused in the boarding school housing the choir boys of the Regensburg Cathedral. The conductor of the choir from 1964 to 1994 was Georg Ratzinger, who claimed to have zero knowledge of what was being done under his nose for the 30 years he worked there. To his defense, Bishop Gerhard L. Müller said in 2010 that all the reports about the sex abuse by the Catholic Church were nothing but an anti-Catholic smear campaign comparable to the anticlerical propaganda of the Nazis. The bishop implored Catholics to remain loyal to the Church, as they did so many years ago. But where there is a Georg, there is a Joseph Ratzinger. While he was still the chief of the Inquisition, Georg’s brother Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger and soon to be Pope Benedict XVI, issued a letter in 2001 warning that any priest or bishop who revealed a child rape to civil authorities would be excommunicated. He demanded that all claims or allegations of sexual abuse against a Catholic clergy member be directly transferred to the Vatican, where they could be properly buried. Pope Benedict XVI’s total indifference for the suffering of the victims is the tell-tale embodiment of the attitude of the Catholic Church towards any crime committed by a member of their criminal organization.

We’ve kept the list of examples rather short. Apart from Australia, we have not included numbers from Central- or South-America, Africa and Asia. Given that it is precisely in those continents that the Catholic Church counts most of its faithful, most of its recruits to priesthood and monastic orders, most of its income, it would surprise no one that it is in these regions that the HRCC still wields most of its power and authority…and easiest access to hundreds of thousands more victims. The total number of children raped by Catholic clergy is already appalling enough without including the biggest Catholic congregations.

Adding the statistic data to the examples above however, leads to an utterly shocking observation:

Since 1945, Catholic priests, monks and nuns have been raping 30 children every single day.

To make the horror match reality, we still have to remind ourselves and the reader that for every victim that has stepped forward, there are 5 or 6 who will never do so and 2 or 3 who can’t because they already drank themselves to death, overdosed on drugs or plainly committed suicide. One of the greatest mysteries in all the unspeakable evil committed by the teachers of morality still remains to be solved: Why is the lead investigator of child abuse by the Catholic Church the Catholic Church?

(*) Our statement in the introduction that many of the investigators into child abuse by Catholic clergy are themselves child rapists and the above question following from it, is supported by yet another, very recent case. Right before publication of this article, news reports covered the 20 December 2021 indictment of Terry Specht on two felony counts of sexual battery and abuse of a child in 2000. In 2004, Specht was appointed as the director of the Arlington Diocese’s Office of Child Protection and Safety by the diocese of Arlington. The diocese put him on administrative leave when Specht was accused of sexual assault in 2011, and later placed him under "medical retirement".

As previously cited in our fourth article on the Wholly Rotten Criminal Church, the Vatican received 78 million USD in Peter's pence donations from goodhearted Catholics around the world in 2019. Since 1990 however, the Catholic Church has paid out hundred times that amount (more than 8 billion USD) in pay-offs, out of court settlements, court settlements, victim compensations, restitutions, therapy and counseling fees for victims and noteworthy: the continuing financial support of thousands of rapists. If nothing else, this article gives you an idea of what your donations are being spent on.

Luckily all will be solved within a few more decades. In 2009, the Catholic bishops of Ireland already set the example by rolling out their immediate plan of action to remedy the crimes against humanity:

  1. Express sadness over the "suffering of so many for so long."

  2. Invite survivors to "engage with us" in an effort to understand how to assist the victims of abuse.

  3. Express the intention to respond as pastors

  4. Pray for the "well-being and peace of mind for all who suffered" and to urge all Catholics to join them in prayer

With this beautiful plan erasing all the misery caused by the Church, I suppose we can now send our children back into the loving embrace and closed chambers of our moral guides to heaven. Maybe we could even give them a bit more money, so they can keep paying the rapists they had to fire. Finally, let’s just forgive them and pretend that nothing ever happened. I am sure a lot of Catholics are already doing exactly that.

Richard Dalet PHD - David aPHD, 08 January 2022


Notes, sources, references:

Sponsor a rapist - company policy

The Grim Rapists: more than a few bad apples


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